Off-Label Prescribing & Malpractice

Is Off-Label Prescribing Malpractice? By Dr. Steven H. Berger, MD fpamed Forensic Psychiatrist Off-label prescribing is malpractice if (1) the prescription does not comply with the standard of care and (2) the prescription causes harm.  The standard of care is unique for each patient’s situation.  A prescription being on-label or off-label is irrelevant to the […]

The management of depression during pregnancy: a report from the American Psychiatric Association and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist

This is a joint report by the American Psychiatric Association and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology discussing treatment guidelines for depressed pregnant women and the known risks of SSRI (and SNRI) antidepressant drugs in particular. A “must” read for all practicing psychiatrists. https—…

Three’s A Crowd

Esteemed forensic psychiatrist Robert Simon, MD, published a timeless article several years ago entitled “Three’s A Crowd.” It addresses the recurring problem of (usually) plaintiff attorneys seeking to be present in the room during the defense forensic psychiatric evaluation of their client and the potentially chilling and distorting effects upon the examination that such presence […]

Informed Consent Revisited

The medical malpractice insurer has recently issued an “Alert” revisiting the concept of “informed consent” as it is currently viewed by the courts. Download MIEC’s Alert #17 Informed Consent Revisited here: Download Informed Consent – MIEC Alert #17