Armed and Misogynist: How Toxic Masculinity Fuels Mass Shootings
John M. Fabian, PsyD, JD, ABPP interviewed on the Pat Thurston show. Click the read more link below to listen to the recorded show.
John M. Fabian, PsyD, JD, ABPP interviewed on the Pat Thurston show. Click the read more link below to listen to the recorded show.
Forensic Psychiatrist Mark I. Levy MD was interviewed on July 20, 2016 for the following television news story: By KTVU Reporter Tom Vacar There are reports that the man who killed three Baton Rouge law enforcement officers told friends he was suffering from PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder. So, I spoke with two of the […]
The 2/13/16 New York Times article “When the Hospital Fires the Bullet” tells the truly incredible story of a Houston college student who had never been in trouble and was admitted to a local inpatient psychiatric facility for symptoms of the manic phase of his bipolar disorder. In an effort to subdue this student’s classically […]
An interesting editorial in the October 2015 issue of JAMA Psychiatry entitled “Low Resting Heart Rate as an Unequivocal Risk Factor for Both the Perpetration of and Exposure to Violence” is a remarkable announcement of a biomarker for predicting which child or adolescent is most likely to behave violently and/or become a victim of violence. […]
A White Paper entitled “Addressing Extremism” authored by The Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR), George Mason University’s Dr Andrea Bartoli, and Dr. Peter T. Coleman, ICCCR, Teachers College, Columbia University, attempts to analyze the nature of extremism both in general and in the particular form that is radicalizing many seemingly mentally healthy young […]
On the August 29, 2015 New York Times op ed page, Jeffrey Lieberman, MD, Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, wrote an op-ed article entitled “How to Halt the Violence.” It is a superb effort to address head on the pointless 24 hour news cycle hand wringing […]
Mark I Levy MD Forensic Psychiatrist Medical Director Forensic Psychiatric Associates, LP Asst. Clinical Professor, Psychiatry, UCSF School of Medicine According to a March 28, 2015 article in the New York Times, the co-pilot who locked the pilot out of the cockpit and deliberately crashed a German Wings aircraft flying from Spain to Germany, killing […]
According to the New York Times, 34 year old heavily armed Aaron Alexis shot and killed 12 people working at the Washington, D.C. Navy Yard this morning, injuring others. As will happen once again, national hand-wringing ritual follows, trying to make “sense out” of the irrational. Pundits, including psychiatrists, will be asked to speculate on […]
Forensic Psychiatrist Mark Levy MD was interviewed by NBC news concerning serial kidnapper and sexual predator, Ariel Castro’s, rambling statement in Court on August 5, 2013. By Jeff Black, Staff Writer, NBC News August 5, 2013, 11:22 am Ariel Castro’s rambling 20-minute statement in court Thursday, in which he repeatedly said, “I am not […]
Hundreds of thousands of Darfur people affected by the Sudanese genocide have fled to Cairo, Egypt, in search of assistance. Collaborating with Africa and Middle East Refugee Assistance (AMERA), the authors conducted a mental health care needs assessment among Darfur refugees in Cairo. Information was collected using individual and focus group interviews to identify gaps in mental health care and develop understandings of emotional and relationship problems. The refugee mental health care system has a piecemeal structure with gaps in outpatient services. There is moderate to severe emotional distress among many Darfur refugees, including symptoms of depression and trauma, and interpersonal conflict, both domestic violence and broader community conflict, elevated relative to pregenocide levels. Given the established relationships between symptoms of depression/traumatic stress and interpersonal violence, improving mental health is important for both preventing mental health decompensation and stemming future cycles of intra- and intergroup conflict.
Studies Mixed On Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children. The Los Angeles Times (5/3, Adams) reports, “A number of studies have shown that watching a lot of violence on television or playing violent video games…produces aggressive tendencies in kids.” However, “other researchers pooh-pooh such assertions and say that scientific findings have been decidedly mixed […]
To assist with his teaching of psychiatric residents at UCSF School of Medicine, Dr. Kan has prepared the following PowerPoint slide show summarizing many key aspects of violence risk assessment, a critical forensic psychiatric skill. Download David Kan MD Violence Risk Assessment Psych interns 2-5-07
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